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"I have come to believe that, great or lousy, in the end we are all just the caboodle of stories we leave behind. The moment we die, all those stories tumble from their basket sticky-edged, and however they clump together, there you have it." --- Izabella Rae
TAMARA VALENTINE was born in rural upstate New York where she spent much of her time deep in the northern wood astride a horse in search of hidden worlds; in college, she found them instead in the bitten up wood of a pencil and an old journal. With a deep awe of the power of stories, their transformative and healing nature, she obtained a B.A. in English with a concentration in Communications in 1991 and an M.A. with distinction from Middlebury College Bread Loaf School of English in 2000 where she made her first attempt at crafting a novel.
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